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We aim to bring the power of Inner Development to all Global Challenges faced by Humanity.

Do the Sustainable Development Goals provide a good description of the challenges we face and to what extent are we sustainable?

The goals seem obvious. Who on earth would ask, "Do we need to end hunger?" We all can agree on the SDGs in ways we can't agree on values or human qualities; let's say the tradeoffs between freedom and security. Yet, here we are with little to no traction.

Our target is Change agents - we mean people who are interested in inner development and/or sustainability and who are committed to harnessing the potential of these issues for themselves and others.

We do this by raising two questions: which skills do we need to develop and how do we develop them?

Our mission is In 2050, we live in harmony with nature. We value, conserve, restore

and respect biodiversity, and use all ecosystem services with knowledge and wisdom.

We sustain life on a healthy planet that delivers essential benefits for all people.


We cannot achieve this mission if we do not come together. It is not only about

institutions or processes. It is in the first instance about our mindsets.


An innovative new leadership programme integrating inner development into sustainable development.

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